Saturday, October 24, 2015

That Good Conversation

Here's the official photos from the Bellingham Bay Half Marathon - I'm pointing to Patrice - trying to help whip the crowd into a frenzy for her amazing 8-month-pregnant finish. In hindsight, they needed no whipping; they were already in awe.

My running team at the start of the race. Lisa, in the green hat, and I trained together most of the year and also have done three (!?) Whole30's together (no sugar, wheat, dairy, soy, corn). She's lost almost 40 pounds and I've maintained my normal weight (which makes sense given that it's pretty much how I naturally eat give or take 5 extra servings of fish a week).

Victorious over the finish line! That last mile was tough mentally - it's on a long stretch of road (closed down) and feels very zombie-apocolyptic. It's also uneven terrain which isn't cool. It's difficult to run on and feels slightly injury making.

I've never been a runner - ever. I run because it's caloricaly efficient and cheap to do and, I can do it anywhere but I've never enjoyed it. Ever.

However, with friends and conversation, running became magical. And bearable. And, something I completely and totally looked forward to every single time. Even those long runs were interesting with smart, funny people by my side.

The half marathon is over but Lisa and I have already logged two (short) runs this week and we're planning a long run tomorrow. I just can't get enough of that good conversation!

A big thanks to Grandpa Faiola for most of these photos and to the family for bringing the kids to the finish line and, a point or two along the race. It was a huge emotional shot in the arm to see the kiddos and enjoy their smiling faces. I love that they saw their Mom finish something that was difficult and be successful at it.

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