Friday, November 20, 2015

A Dog, a Strawberry & an Owl All Go Out

Halloween 2015 was full of excitement, candy and rain; oh, so much rain! We started the evening at our good friend Sarah's house. Sarah always does a blowout Halloween party every year with unlimited pizza, beer, wine and full sized candy bars. She also has a professional cameraman and photobooth set up (true story). It is one epic party and really, could these girls be any cuter?
The rain barely barely let up for an hour for the entire family to dash out in the rain and head to Fairhaven for some epic and crowded trick or treating. Notice that all of us are dressed rather warmly. I am a glamorous bumblebee under that puffy turns-out-isn't-waterproof purple jacket. 
The trick or treating was so fast and furious that Clifford the Dog got a little warm and had to take his Clifford hat-face topper off.

Everyone in rain jackets. Lily really got the hang of the holiday this year.
Lily is either a watermelon or a strawberry. We were going with watermelon earlier in the night so both she and Jamisen got little watermelon face paint designs on their faces (yes, Sarah had a face painter too at the party! I told you it was epic).
Here we are in all of our finest costumewear. Notice Wilma Flintstone on the right. Cheriss's outfit was homemade and so creative.
Chris was in Saudi so he missed Halloween. Thankfully Uncle Eric was there to carry the baby girls (not that Grandpa Faiola didn't have Lily for quite some time on his shoulders as well).
Jamisen's alternate costume was a flower. Lily is wearing the headband for the flower and Jamisen is wearing the flower costume in this photo. Jamisen insisted on being a flower for Halloween, all the way up until the day-of Halloween, at which point it was alllll about the old Clifford the Dog costume. So, alas, the homemade flower costume was only worn one time, at home. Given the rain, it was just fine that he didn't end up being a flower because that costume would have disintegrated like the little organic matter it was designed to be.

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