Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Hammers, Paint & Coins in Pockets

Home Depot (and Lowes) have the most brilliant marketing strategies ever when it comes to 'cradle to grave' marketing. Yeah, that's a crude term but it basically refers to the fact that for a retailer (or any business), the earlier you can get a client and the longer you can keep them, the lower the cost of acquiring that customer is over time. And thus, the more money you make on them. Home Depot gets their value from us every time already we do one of their Children's Building Classes because Chris and I always end up buying stuff! =) Just wait until Jamisen gets into his piggy bank for them too!
Like this last Home Depot building time, the entire project from start to finish took less than 15 minutes for both kids (!) but we walked away with $46 of wood painting sets and new tool sets - including a REAL hammer - for both children. Chris tried to mention that the real tool set was not age appropriate for Lily but since girls definitely can do anything boys can do, that argument did not fly. My little girl got the same toolset as her older brother, potential for broken windows be damned!
We love crafting in our house. Well, three of us love it; one of us hides in a corner and cringes about the paint that drips everywhere or the horrific mess that happens whenever two toddlers craft. It is exciting to see the fine motor skills continue to develop in our little love bugs.

Jamisen made a brand new tool box (complete with nailing it together) with the help of his Daddy. He painted the tool box as well and now totes it around the house with pride.

I got the most hilarious text from Jason the Manny the other day. It went something like this: "Lily's teacher has requested you check her pockets daily. Today she had choking hazards in her pockets and kept trying to suck on them." When I replied back sarcastically, "Just ducky," he made a funny and said, "No duckies, just ten coins, two cush balls and a breakfast bar." I thought he was joking; and then I got home. He was not joking! He had lined up everything from her pockets on the counter. She really had ALL of those things in her pocket. She was ready to go shopping, play ball and eat a snack. Our little girl is a natural born prepper! =)
I love the dress that Grandpa Winston and Grandma Kelly got for Lily for Thanksgiving/Christmas. It is SO cute (pictured above). She can still wear last year's present dress as more of a long top. We so appreciate the thoughtfulness =) Lily is also sporting her brother's belt as her headband accessory because our girl's got stylllllle. 
 Our little darlings go to bed around 8 to 8:30 right now. Lily has fully dropped her naps (dropped them at least six months ago) but she's the one that is most riled up before bed. Teeth brushing with Jamisen has gotten routine and mostly easy. Lily is still not a fan of it despite multiple tooth brush and tooth paste options. Thank goodness we've been through this with Jamisen already and recognize that this tooth brushing struggle is a phase.

They are so peaceful when they sleep aren't they? During the day, they have SO much energy that it's astounding to see them still for longer than 22 seconds. We are so blessed to have two healthy, happy, energetic kiddos.

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