Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Halloween Fun

Halloween this year was full of joyous little ones, goblins, elves and full streets in Fairhaven. We went trick or treating in historic Fairhaven along with roughly 304582 other small children and their parents. Bless those retailers; they must have spent roughly the equivalent of a Porche in candy money to give all of the adorably dressed munchins their requisite sugar.

Lily was a Sparkle Pony Butterfly (yes, that's a thing in Lily's world). Jamisen was a space explorer / astronaut. They filled up on candy that night and now it is languishing in a hidden high shelf in the pantry, hopefully never to be seen again.

I went as a flight attendant. I was most commonly mistaken for a Cigarette Girl however.

The other day, Lily and I went to my friend Jody's house for a little dinner party with just the girls. As we were driving up the driveway, Jody's house was lit up and gorgeous. Lily looked at the house and said, "I love that house!" And I said "Yes, it is so pretty isn't it." And she said, "Mama, will I live in a house like that when I grow up?" And I said, " Sweetie, if you work hard and plan and save, you may be able to afford to make the choice to buy a beautiful home like this." And then she asked sweetly, "Work hard like a Daddy?" With forced brightness in my voice, through gritted teeth I answered, "Or like a Mommy. Work hard like a Mommy."

This little Sparkle Pony Butterfly and I were having such a sweet morning the other day. I said to her tenderly, "I love you so very much. I love you more than any other girl on the whole planet." And she stopped me and said, "God loves me more than you do. And God is in charge."  That's a show-stopper; not much to say in response to that one...

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