Sunday, December 18, 2016

3 Questions. And, Christmas is here.

It's official. 'Tis the season. Many thanks to Cheriss (and Erik) for hosting Thanksgiving. It was epic with a huge contingent of family descending on Erik and Cheriss's house.

It was such a nice Thanksgiving and we all appreciated Cheriss for hosting. The standout dishes belonged to my Aunt Sharon who made a cheddar cheese cookie and then filled it with jalepno jelly or a sweet wine jelly. They were amazing. 

Of course, the day after Thanksgiving, Santa magically appeared. It's like clockwork, that Santa appearance. 

The kids are reinforced with the Santa / Elves / North Pole history at home because the Elf on the Shelf (both of them) visit nightly, generally causing significant mischief every night. Jamisen recently declared that he "hated the elves" because they were "listening to everything he said," after they brought him a new silicone food cover for Mommy because he had "accidentally broken hers." He was legit freaked out.

We all bought matching pants at the Gap. This is solely so the kids have something to go to therapy for in 15 years and so we have amazing photographs for their high school graduation.

Lily remains the apple of my friend Jody's eye. She invited us over for a make-your-own pizza dinner (and for those of you with eagle eyes that are noticing that her sweater matches the pajamas in the above picture, points to you. We purchased every item in the store with that pattern. Every. Item.) I asked Lily the 3 questions tonight. These are her answers:

What is your favorite color: Pink
What do you want to be when you grow up? "I want to eat M&M's" (that makes two of us)
What is the meaning of life: "Prayomantus." Me: "Preying Mantis?" Her: "No, Prayomantus." Roger that. She's obviously speaking in tongues. Ramtha, is that you?
Bonus question: If you were any animal, what would you be? "I would be a flying mermaid. And, I would be pink,"

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