Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Rock Wall Climbing

In our ever more obsessive (Joke people; that's a joke. I mean, sort of. Maybe.) of helping our children become well-developed citizens, we have moved on from taikwando to another form of physical agility and activity. 

Rock climbing. Because duh, what else produces amazing little people like overdeveloped upper body strength and toes with the agility of monkeys? 

It has been extraordinary to see the children really pursue their fearless side and climb, climb, climb and be okay to fail and fall. If there's anything that I've been happy about, it's been that they have been okay failing (!). They try a "line" (a fancy way of saying "path") up the wall and if that doesn't work, reverse and try something else. I love that! 

Lily especially is good at being persistent and daring and just giving no cares about if she fails. She is loving the journey and I think takes some pride in being the smallest kid on the wall by far, going the highest. 

Making it to the top means "ringing the bell" and both kids have learned how to always ring the bell, even as they fall off the wall, and even as they learn to try again when the first option didn't work. For the summer, they'll be in swim lessons and art camp but come fall, we will give them the option of taekwondo, soccer, basketball, hockey, ruby and climbing. It will be fun and interesting to see what they choose. 

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