Sunday, November 20, 2011

He Scoots!

Jamisen's fine motor skills continue to develop at a rapid pace. I've learned that if I pile dry (safe) food for him on his high chair tray that I can keep him happy for at least 20 minutes while I prepare his baby food or clean the kitchen after feeding him. The grunting is something he's started to do in the last month. He does it all the time - usually to express his displeasure (I think)? Remember, if you subscribe to this blog via email that you need to click through to the blog to see the videos.


Another great example of his fine motor skills? Putting his hand AND foot in his mouth at the same time! He was cooing the entire time he was doing this. It was adorable.

My creation

This is the warm "teddy bear" suit that I referenced yesterday. It literally is like a hollowed out teddy bear that we just stuff him into. He can't really move in the suit so it's not his favorite but it keeps him warm in the freezing weather when we're out on our daily walks.


Jamisen's balance continues to improve. Here, he is standing with just a little (nicely camouflaged) help from Daddy's hand on his back. He still doesn't stand up flat footed; he's almost always rocked forward on his toes. I haven't looked on Dr. Google yet to see if this is normal.

As you can see, Jamisen is mastering the fine art of the 'scoot'. He is scooting around like a little pro - and this is ALL NEW today. We cannot leave him alone anymore because he can go scooting pretty quick. From here, it's a whole new world.

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