Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Jamisen Is ALMOST sitting

I've spent a lot of time at Time In Play, a new children's play time cafe in Bellingham. Jamisen has seen more babies in the last week than he's seen in his entire life (no really, his entire 6 1/2 month life) and I think he's feelin' some competition!


Also, you'd think that I'd be showing you photos of Jamisen sitting up but I don't have any so you'll have to enjoy his incredible cuteness and imagine him sitting, sort-of.

Last week, he was falling over basically all the time when I tried to sit him up. And these weren't graceful falls. These were fast flat face plants with wailing and little red marks (if I wasn't quick enough to catch him - I caught him almost every time but when I didn't, he was very quick to express his indignation).

Oct 2011

But, after he saw a  5 1/2 month old (that's right, a full 20% younger than Jamisen) sitting up unassisted at Time In Play, he took it as a personal challenge (because the Faiola Family is nothing if not 100% competitive) and he's been sitting up for very short (10 - 45 second) stints of time. It's gotten to where I can actually let him sit and usually, he slowly topples over, gracefully with no face planting.

Oct 2011

Go trunk strength! Our baby is getting stronger! And he's still quite tall for his weight so we are all hoping he takes after Grandpa Winston with his height!

Anne-Marie Fall Picnic-119_pp

And here's a video of an amazing duet Jamisen and I did together while Daddy was on a business trip. You'll notice I probably shouldn't have fed him as he did a little bit of coughing action there (whoops). I will do anything and everything silly to make my little boy laugh. It is the best sound in the entire world.

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