Saturday, November 19, 2011

Super Saturday

We had the *best* Saturday today. I got up at 5 a.m. with the baby and then Chris let me go back to sleep at 7 a.m. for a couple more hours. After that, it was off to our favorite cafe, Time in Play, where Jamisen learned how to go down a slide (with help). See the two videos below of his amazing foray down the slide:

And then his Daddy taught him how to beat on toys. He caught on pretty quickly! If only he would catch on this quickly to learning how to crawl, read, talk .... you know, the biggies. But he can now bang his toys on the table with the best of them.

Finally, he took a ride in a really cool toy car. He seemed to enjoy his brief ride and his increased tummy strength definitely paid off for this 'big kids' toy'.

Jamisen is at the stage where EVERYTHING he sees goes in his mouth. His Dad had a minor heart attack trying to keep this toy away from his mouth because of how dirty it was. On the walk back to our house (yes, in freezing weather but not to worry, Jamisen was well protected in his teddy bear suit and a thick blanket), I asked Chris where his over-protectiveness came from. He didn't have any insight but of the two of us, he is definitely the careful and cautious parent. That's good - we can be the yin and the yang of parenting together.

My creation

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