Saturday, January 14, 2012

More Swim Lessons

This will be the only good video you see from this swim class (email subscribers, click through to the blog to see the video):

That is because what happens in this video at about 10 seconds in happened in every single other video that was taken by Daddy:

So worried was Chris that Jamisen might (gasp!) get some water in his mouth (water! at the pool! oh no!) that every single video starts out great and then devolves to water or ceiling shots and Chris saying in the background "You gotta watch out. He's getting water in his mouth." We love that Daddy is so protective of his little boy.


Though there is no video proof, we did have a fantastic time. Jamisen made the sweetest happy noises. It was adorable. He's definitely getting more comfortable with the water (though still not a fan of getting his head under water).


This game somehow involves the little tunnel becoming London Bridge and falling down. It was mostly just a way for the instructor to get us all moving around the pool with the babies on their fronts and their backs.


We had a fantastic time and can't wait for more water time this week.

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