Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Jamisen's 9 Month Photo Shoot

First, a little help from Daddy to get the sticker on straight.

9 month photo shoot

9 month photo shoot

This month, we've seen Jamisen's personality just blossom. He laughs all the time. He giggles. He smiles. He makes motorboat sounds. He is just starting to figure out how to wave; well, he mostly just lifts his arm a little higher than his shoulder and just holds his hand out. Right now, he looks like he's impersonating an infamous despot but we trust he'll eventually get the wave down. Until then, we don't encourage practicing this skill in public.

9 month photo shoot

We are also trying to teach him to clap. So far, it's lots of watching us clap and lots of laughing at us but no forward movement towards actual clapping himself. Jamisen can now do a full on crawl (at rapid, rapid speeds) and he's loving pulling himself up on EVERYTHING. He balances, mostly precariously, on his tippy toes and pulls himself up on anything that looks even remotely stable (loose, baggy pants are his fave, which are less than ideal for the person wearing said pants).
9 month photo shoot

He's also getting picky about his food. He still eats everything or just flat out refuses it (knock on wood: no spitting it out yet!). He does have quite the little opinion and will tell you, loudly, if he doesn't like his food or if you're not feeding him fast enough. He has officially found his voice.

9 month photo shoot

We fall deeper and deeper in love with him more every single day and can't believe how blessed and lucky we are to have Jamisen as our son.

9 month photo shoot

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