Monday, February 27, 2012

Solid Foods

Jamisen is officially eating small bits of solid foods. It's a major milestone. He still chokes and will fill his mouth full like a chipmunk so we've got some work to do with the concept of stopping and healthy eating. He's learning how to chew and use his teeth. He really likes to eat whatever is on our plate and he is happy to eat that over anything we have prepared for him.

10 months old at Seabrook

In terms of allergies, we carry around an allergy inhaler (it's in the diaper bag and needs to be sprayed through an empty toilet roll or in a bag so the baby can really inhale it) and have two epi pens at home. So far, knock on wood, this has been wholly unnecessary as Jamisen has had Peanut Butter 3 times, Almond Butter 3 times and eggs safely thus far. Chris is allergic to cantaloupe so we'll watch Jamisen closely when it comes time to introduce him to that.

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