Monday, February 6, 2012

Weekend in Victoria

Feb 2012

We took a fantastic family weekend to Victoria, BC this last weekend. Jamisen loved being in control of the car. He was an amazing little easy going man on our trip - he smiled, he giggled and man, oh man, he wanted to be down on the grimy ferry floor. He's getting very active.

A little video of Jamisen faux-driving the car - notice he would like to be in control of everything, including the radio.


Chris and I enjoyed dinner out with friends while Jamisen slept at the hotel with the Nanny watching over him. We were both home safe by midnight. This makes two times since the baby was born that we've been out past 10 p.m. Just call us 'party animals'. We were so thankful that Jamisen's nanny, McKenna, was able to join us for the weekend.


We did a variety of business team building activities. Though you can't see it, Chris was also in the curling center but he was on another team. His team took the Gold Medal. Despite my heroic efforts, my team didn't even place. Chris on the other hand, my my, he has another potential career waiting behind the scenes.

Feb 2012

Ah yes, that look of concentration DOES increase my frown lines. Whoops. Did I mention that curling is really cold?

Jamisen is quite the happy talker, especially around meal time.


Lisa McShane said...

Cute Jamison video! I've always thought curling could be my sport. Because well, I've used a broom.

Anne-Marie said...

Exactly! A broom and curling are VERY similar! Though the curling broom takes way more ab work! =)