Wednesday, September 12, 2012

FSE Picnic

 We were so happy to go the FSE Family Picnic this weekend. Jamisen absolutely loved running around the entire space. Grandpa was so good, chasing him around everywhere and was incredibly vigilant to make sure Jamisen didn't choke on ice or jump into the fire (both of which he attempted). IMG_0771 
Jamisen ate his very own veggie burger. Big thanks to Daddy for bringing them for our non-eating baby boy. DSC_0049 
What Jamisen mostly wanted, however, was other peoples' food. He kept stealing little Max's (3 year old Max) food. Max was so sweet about it (bless his little heart) and shared his food. IMG_0745 
Our precious little boy is perhaps the cutest baby that ever lived. His eyelashes are epic. I hope he keeps them for a lifetime. DSC_0048 
There was a adorable little puppy that Jamisen was delighted to see. Like many things, he lost interest fairly quickly but it was magical while it lasted. DSC_0042 
 We're already looking forward to next year's picnic. It was fantastic to see everyone and big thanks to Aunt Anamarie for taking most of these photos. She has quite the eye, doesn't she?!

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