Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Possible Baby Names

Mallory Leah Renoud
Isabelle Lily Leah Renoud
Amelia Lily Renoud
Amelia Marie Renoud

Catherine Margarethe Renoud
Catherine Marie Renoud
Sophia Marie Renoud 

Lileah Marie Renoud 

Lilah Margarethe Renoud  

Alexa June Renoud
Alexa Janelle Renoud
Alexa Sky Renoud
Bella Quinn Renoud
Annalise Quinn Renoud
Annalissa Quinn Renoud
Analisa Quinn Renoud
Lilli Quinn Renoud 

Emiline Janae Renoud
Lilianne Faiola Renoud
Hannah Margaret Renoud
Hannah Renee Renoud
Hannah Lileah Renoud
Lily Leah Renoud
Leah Lily Renoud
Stella Margaret Renoud
Olivia Jane Renoud
Olivia Anne Renoud
Cecilia Lili Renoud
Lileah Leann Renoud
Lileah Stella Renoud
Lileah Stella Janae Renoud
Lileah Stellah Maria Renoud
Riley Lileah Renoud
Charlotte June Renoud
McKenzie Rose Renoud
Also, for the record, since I know my little girl is going to ask and I won't remember (I got realllly curious about my Mom's pregnancies the second I was pregnant!):

You, my dear daughter, have been extremely easy to carry compared to your brother. In fact, if I didn't have the ultrasounds and expanding waistline to prove it in the early months, I would have barely known I was pregnant with you.  I've been working out daily (haven't missed a workout in 190 days so far) and even doing Zumba (an aggressive form of dance aerobics) well into my fifth month (despite your Father worrying that you're getting a headache from all the bouncing). My back hurts a bit but nothing too major. Chiropractic is a life saver in my last trimester but if you go, go to a specialist in pregnant women. They have special tables and are miracle workers.

I had morning sickness twice (count 'em people, TWICE) with you. Both times were either late at night or in the wee morning hours on an empty stomach. Cheese took care of it. I have had on and off headaches with you (despite staying hydrated and having had no caffeine for 4 years now) but they're manageable.

I started to feel you kick extremely early, around 4 months. This is because of my (eyes downcast modestly) delicate petite frame and also because your placenta (my placenta?) formed on the back wall of my uterus (your house), pushing you forward pretty early in the pregnancy. You're active in the morning, at night and generally any time I want to get some quiet time.
For your pregnancy, you'll want to be tested for the blood clotting disorders I have but if you're lucky, I've passed them onto your brother. By the time you're pregnant, you'll have different, better drugs but in case you don't, this is how I manage the daily shots with a smile on my face.
So, to summarize, read this post about the pregnancy with your brother (tired, miserable) to learn how you'll be with a little boy and know that if you get pregnant with a little girl, there's a good chance you'll be on Easy Street with the symptoms.
No matter what, I love you both equally and any amount of pain and discomfort would be worth it to have healthy babies.

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