Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Backyard Fun

We were so happy to have Oskar and his parents over again two weekends ago. It has been such a busy two weeks that I wasn't able to post this in a timely manner. Whoops! But, these photos were too dang cute not to post, even late. You'll notice that Jamisen is learning how to make a mess. YAY! See the red paint all over his shirt? And yes, that is his artistic genius, helped out by Oskar and his unique painting tools (play dough and play dough shape makers).

We also met a new play date buddy - JJ! Her parents, Phil and Stacey, are regulars at the social wine club that we belong to. We've seen them on and off for a couple years and finally, this week, I just happened to stop in quickly and struck up a conversation. When I realized their little one was 22 months old? Instant best friends. Duh!

The three little burgeoning maestros had a wonderful time playing a piano. For future reference, when three people play the piano, it's called "Piano Six Hands." There are actually pieces written for this type of mastery - and clearly, our children have said mastery.

Jamisen is getting better at NOT hopping off at the very tippy top of his see-saw apex, thus dumping his play partners. Both he and Oskar are wearing little train engineer hats (hello, cute overload!).

I am working on color theory with Jamisen and designed this fun little project, with the help of Pinterest, to create colorful building options using tongue depressors, food dye (Labcolors) and velcro. He loves the color matching game though I'll admit some defeat because he was more interested in trying to peel off the velcro dots than actually build. Baby steps. Baby steps.

 Jamisen loved these little egg extravaganzas and kept asking for more "cupcake." If he thinks those are cupcakes, I'll take it. #winning

Lest you think we've forgotten about our little Lily, she was present for all the fun - sitting in her chair or safely in our arms.  She is growing and our little happy girl. She giggles, coohs and absolutely fills our heart with joy and gratitude. We are so blessed and lucky as a family of four.

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