Saturday, August 24, 2013

Blackberry Picking with the Fam

We love Uncle Erik and Aunt Cheriss but even though we live 17 minutes from each other, we don't see each other as often as we want to (busy blah blah blah kids blah blah blah work blah blah blah). Here, Chris is expressing his joy at seeing the family while simultaneously photo bombing the picture. Who knew that was his secret superhero talent?

Team Cherik invited us to go blackberry picking. They found the mother-lode of all blackberry haunts along a public trail in Bellingham, right by the freeway of all things. Jamisen was very happy to look at all the trucks and cars passing by below the freeway overpass.

Chris and Jamisen were an amazing team. I had Miss Lily in the Baby Bjorn so was a little less efficient than the dynamic duo. Picking blackberries is hard work (!!). Seriously, ridiculously hard work. I have a new respect for why organic frozen blackberries are $6 a pound in the store.

Little Jamisen and Little Toby had a great time racing eachother. Jamisen loves his doggie cousins and even tolerates many doggies kisses from Toby's older sister, Samantha.

Jamisen also had a wonderful time 'flying' - "Daddy, swing swing swinnnnnnnnng!" We all enjoyed eating the blackberries and even were able to freeze some for smoothies and protein shakes.

Cheriss is a natural with baby Lily. We loved spending time with Erik and Cheriss and can't wait to do it again soon.

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