Thursday, August 8, 2013

Play Date with Elliot

As any new parent knows, when you run into people that have children your age, you immediately try to make play dates. It matters not what the parent does, if they have a criminal record or if they have a small cocaine problem. What matters is that they have children, your age, and they can string four words together, preferably at the same time.

Thankfully, Elliot's parents fall into the WunderBar parental category. They live on a farm. Mom worked for Lush (a large cosmetics chain) doing all their international sourcing and Dad used to  be in a band and is recreating himself in college and has many fascinating things to share. They're smart and can string many multi-syllabic words together in addition to sharing many of our family values. Win-win.  We'd be friends with them even if they didn't have a little the same age as Jamisen.

Their daughter, Elliot, is 5 or 6 months younger than Jamisen and is calm, quiet and obedient. She paints an impressive contrast to our son who runs everywhere, talks to everyone, and has no problem getting his face covered in dirt and then eating the dirt.

We've been loving the little town of Bow Edison near our home. It's only 20 minutes away but it has blueberries, two cafes, a bread/cookie store and a cheese store. Jamisen loves his $3 macarons (seriously, what 2 year old eats French Macarons over all the other cookies in the store?) and the delicious herbed flatbread at Breadfarm. He also appreciates the $45/pound black truffle chevre at the store next door (note to self: never share expensive food with this kid).

Here Jamisen is enjoying a lime-soaked polenta cake. See, I told you he had amazingly young foodie taste though admittedly isn't a big fan of the silverware,
  We heart Elliot and her folks and hope for many more play dates, in Bow Edison or elsewhere.

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