Monday, November 18, 2013

Sleep Training is Upon Us

Oh Lily, how we desperately love your little round face, your sweet and outgoing personality and your giant, innocent eyes. Your sleeping habits are downright rubbish however. And Sweetie, your days with no sleep training are coming to an end. Quickly.

This is what happened last night after I left you in the guest room/soon-to-be-your-room, screaming your little head off, crawled into bed and announced to your Dad that you would be starting sleep training. Immediately. Notice all that blue? That's because I got to sleep while your Dad took you. And something about being with your Dad calmed you down and you slept for four hours. And last night, oh precious little girl? You slept almost a full 8 hours without waking. The threat of sleep training must have been enough. Let's keep it that way. I don't want to sleep train you any more than you want to be sleep trained.

You're eating solids now and that's quite the hilarious fest. You are not terribly good at it yet but you love it, lunging for the spoon like there could be nothing better. I can't wait for you to continue to gain weight so you sleep even better, more regularly because Sweetness 'n' Light, your parents are tired. But, we love you none the less.

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