Sunday, November 17, 2013

The Sickness Remains

When I last wrote, we were all struck with some form of sickness. I am delighted to report that I am the only one left with said sickness. I have been trying to deny it all week, to be a trooper, and carry on with verve and style but today, I was found out in a very ugly way that I was possibly actually sick.

I was sitting at my desk, a delicious handmade vegan nut energy bar in one hand and a sheath of bank statements in the other. I was deep in thought. A senior team member came into my office with a quick question, did a double take, and then asked, with real concern: "What is coming out of your head?!" Sure, I had felt that my nose was filling up but I was busy, people, busy! This team member is a very very gay man so he put some attitude into it and was all, "Girlfriend, you have GOT to go check yourself. Go! Go! Go!" Sure enough, I head to the mirror and there is a HUGE gob of disgusting, neon green snot emerging at least 1/2 inch out of my nose. Of course I was mortified but now, I'm thinking back to all the assistant interviews I've done this week when I felt my nose filling with snot but didn't want to disrupt the interview to blow: was it happening then? And did the one candidate that pulled out due to "fragrance sensitivities" really just pull out because she was disgusted by my personal hygiene?! Aughhhh, so so so gross.

Chris sprung to my rescue and is taking care of Lily tonight so I can get a full night's sleep. Bless his happy husband heart. 

Speaking of Lily, I am weaning her (not by choice) off of breastmilk as I am managing to produce only about 25% of what she eats during a day but now she's starting to add solids to her repertoire so I feel good that we've gotten this far. Oh, but since I am still breastfeeding (however pathetically), no drugs for me for said horrible form of sore muscles/headache/sinus cold. 

 While our life is extremely chaotic at all times, Jamisen is proving to be an amazing delight. He continues to wow me with his grasp of difficult concepts (he can pick up on husband and wife tension super quickly now and doesn't hesitate to say it). His vocabulary is advanced and full. And, he is a polite, happy boy almost all the time. The times when he is not: 

 Last night, Jamisen hit Lily very intentionally. He got an instant time out. I continued to hold Lily and read to her in the kitchen, Chris came and started cleaning up the kitchen a bit .... and all of a sudden, I realized it was quiet. Too quiet. I sent Chris back to check on Jamisen and sure enough, he was no where to be found. He had **put on his shoes** and walked outside, in the rain, at 8:30 at night, in the dark (!!!) in search of his truck. We found him on the other side of the house, searching or his outside truck. Chris and I debated what sort of punishment to do and decided to take away his beloved kitchen for a day. That worked for now but I do see a day when spankings may be necessary. 

 Lily gets up with me multiple times per night. Let's hope and pray it's  better night for Chris. And on that note, I am taking advantage of this full night of sleep and g'night, sleep tight!

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