Sunday, June 15, 2014

Chris & Erik Go Fishing

Chris and I won a halibut fishing day at a Boys & Girls Club Auction. Chris is on the board so it was great to go to a fantastic event and support the kids. Plus, my brother Erik (Uncle Erik to our kiddos) is an obsessive fishing guy so we knew just the man to take as crew.

They boys left early (early!) at 4 a.m. to head out to the islands to get their perfect catch.

And perfect catch they did get! Though the boys pulled in some smaller fish along the way, the big one was yet to come.

The Halibut was deep down and they fought hard to get it up to the surface. What a giant it is! And at halibut prices going for $22/pound, it was quite an expensive fish.

Erik and Chris gave away 75% of the fish but we still ended up with 28 pounds ourselves. Our friend Bob had a professional sealing machine and we are so lucky that he gave us bags and let us seal all the fish at his house. We gave him a few pounds of halibut and were super happy to share in the bounty. We know what we'll be grilling on the BBQ all summer long!

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