Thursday, June 26, 2014

Still, just two teeth

Oh baby Lily, you are toddling around like a little wobbly baby duckling. You actually can't walk. Yet. But you sure want to try! You can walk with just one hand supporting you. Walking is your favorite thing to do. 

You say "Hi" and "Bye" by waving. Your two words are "YEAH!" and "Mama."  You are a full 13 months old, and you only have 2 teeth. Still. 

You are a daredevil! You LOVE love love to take risks. You explore and you crawl into everything and everywhere. The other day, we caught you jamming a bike under the teeter totter so you could stand up fully on the teeter totter. We know it wasn't an accident because you did it again with another tool later that day (the cart this time). You were successful and did balance yourself on the teeter totter. 
Those two teeth, proudly on display. You are happy ... all the time. ALL the time. It's incredible. You are good natured with your brother, even as he pushes his limits with sharing and being kind. 
Jamisen is learning numbers right now. He loves to do DIY projects with Mom. He says, "Mama, I want to do a craft project with you! Mama, I want you to stay home from work and do it with me!. Mama?" It's so sweet and just endearing. I want to raise a crafty husband to make some very lucky partner happy in many (20+!) years. 

Lest you worry that Jamisen is getting too soft with all these crafts, his Daddy has him fishing. Behold, his first fish! Go Jamisen! The momentous occasion was on our dock at Lake Samish. 

Behold, Lily walking with her favorite person in the whole wide world: Grandma! 

With summer here, we've goth been getting in amazing outdoor time. Chris has been biking up a storm in preparation for his triathlon this weekend and I've been hiking and reconnecting with the beautiful old growth forests in the PNW - while seeing good friends of course. Life is magical and blessed. We are so very lucky and don't take it for granted... ever. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love reading about your family adventures Anne Marie! It's amazing how unique each child is … My Rosie has a mouth full of teeth but has only starting walking (mostly holding my hand) in the last week or two and she is almost 18 months old! Anyway, Lily & Jamisen are both so fun to see grow up.
