Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Jamisen's Birthday

Woo Hoo! Jamisen is FOUR YEARS OLD!!! Seriously, how did that happen? How did our little baby boy grow up to be a slimmed-out, tall, erudite little man? Things that are fun about Jamisen at this very moment in time:
  • He is a tattle-tale. He is very good about solving problems by telling an adult about them.
  • He will do just about anything for sugar of any type.
  • He hates brushing his teeth but knows it's important, so we brush his teeth 2X a day.
  • He loves loves loves to read. The other night, I caught him "reading" in his room at 10 pm at night(!!!), on a school night no less.
  • He loves being an older brother and alternates between being the world's best older brother ("Lily, you're the best baby in the whole wide world") and not (closelining his sister as he runs full tilt down the lawn).
  • His favorite foods are string cheese, macaroni & cheese, salmon, asparagus and fried eggs.
  • He is super crafty and loves to do art projects at home

Right now, Jamisen is obsessed (!) with fireman stuff. He wears his fireman outfit to school daily and gets in fights with us on warm days when we try to have him take it off.

We had Jamisen's birthday at Perch 'n' Play since we were between houses and living arrangements. It was super nice to outsource everything to someone (yay! someone else to set up, clean, and cook). The pricing was a bit gasp-inducing so I'm not positive we'll do that many more times in the future though. Plus, I like hosting our family and friends at our house even if it's more work.

Jamisen loved the party. He was so happy to have all of his little friends around him (there were 9 little friends that joined us plus all of their adults). We served pizza, string cheese, and for the parents, got meat'n'cheese plates. The kids also got sugary lemonade. Lucky them!

Anna and Weston came as well and Baby Alise bonded with the beard. =) Happy fourth birthday, Jamisen. We love you more than you could ever know (until you have a baby of your own).

Work wise, last month was busy - Handmade Beauty Box did a live talk show on King5 and promoted our nail polish box. Chris's company continues to try to make inroads in the Middle East and explore new income opportunities as well.

I also got my Master Soapmaker's Certification from the Handcrafted Soap Guild after 2 years of studying, practice and ridiculous amounts of hard work.  It feels good to be done with it.

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