Sunday, June 28, 2015

Lily's First Dental Appointment

We love cousin Alise! =) She is so much fun to have hang out and to spend time with.  She is crawling quickly now and loves to explore everything with all the sense, especially her mouth! We need to baby proof more.

The kids loved having Grandma Faiola visit when Chris was in Saudi. She spent all week here and it was a joy to have her.

Baby Lily missed her 'standy thing' (a Christmas present three years ago from Grandma and Grandpa Renoud) and we're so happy it's back now that the old house has been mostly emptied.

Washingon has been in a crazy heat spell, getting up to almost 90 multiple days in a row. The kiddos love playing outside - but now that we have Jamisen's latest genetic results back, he needs to wear sunscreen a ton, ton, ton! He has almost a 6X higher risk factor than the rest of the population for skin cancer (and for that matter, a 9X higher risk factor than the normal population for a blood clot).

Jamisen helped me clean out the garage by making a marshmallow roast with my yarn. He set the entire thing up and proclaimed that he was having a marshmallow roast.

Jackhammers are not just for boys!!

Jamisen did the most funny thing (ever) the other day. Erik and Cheriss and baby Alise were over. Erik was antagonizing Jamisen a bit in the playhouse. So Jamisen protested and then not getting Erik to quit, ran away. I found him in the garage with a giant 2 x 4 piece of wood. I said, "Jamisen, what are you going to do with that?" And he said to me, "I am not going to hit Erik with it and I am not going to take the rocks in my bag and throw them at him!" Ahhhh, well then...

Jamisen continues to enjoy doing crafts and art with me - bless that child - and even sometimes gets messy like this marble-paint rolling painting project.

Lily had her first dentist appointment - and other than the fact that the denist was running SO dang late that it took TWO HOURS (two hours people! for a toddler dentist appointment) - the appointment was fine. Lily was an amazingly perfect little girl (again, refer the TWO HOUR wait to see dentist) and charmed everyone she came into contact with. She loved exploring the entire place and even stayed still for the teeth checks. Of course, the dentist was in such a hurry after she saw Lily that she didn't paint flouride on her teeth. So, we didn't quite get the full-meal-deal treatment but Lily's teeth were proclaimed healthy - and the dentist showed us where Lily has four big teeth coming in. Lily complained just tonight about how much her teeth were hurting. Poor kid, those teeth that are coming through do look huge. I hope they don't cause her too much pain as they come in.

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divyaraut said...
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