Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Lily's Birthday

While we were barely in our home when Lily's birthday arrived, we were determined to celebrate, even if there was no furniture (all the better to jump in right?!)

Big thanks to Grandpa who stayed up until midnight (!!) helping me assembled decorations while Chris was in another room spending five hours (!) on a crazy *yet awesome* toy wooden house for Lily's big birthday present from us.

As soon as Lily saw the decorations, she said "Birthday? Me?! In my house? Birthday party. ME! In MY HOUSE!" It was amazing to see her brain process it all and come to the correct conclusion.

Some funny things Lily does right now:
1. She is a hilarious mimic. Just tonight, I said "Good job, Daddy'O!" to Chris and she repeated it like six times. It sounds really endearing coming from the mouth of a babe (an actual, literal-sense-of-the-word babe).
2. She loves broccoli and chard. Basically, she is amazing child. 
3. Her favorite phrase is "I do it! I do it!" She is fiercely independent, so much so that she makes me wait at the bottom of two flights of stairs to come up if she's on the stairs (lest I try to hold her hand and help her).
4. She loves books. Like, is obsessed with them. She will happily sit there for as long as you will keep reading to her and pick out books. She's starting to memorize books too - which makes me feel good that other caregivers are reading to her as well.

Behold, our exhausted, happy, loved and loving family of four. Chris and I feel blessed and fortunate every day that we were gifted with our two perfect, sweet and kind children.

Lily tore off her wrapping paper on her gifts from Grandma and Grandpa Faiola. Given that she doesn't have much practice at it, she really was a pro!

I have never seen a kid this excited about a birthday present; EVER. She leapt feet up into the air (okay, maybe inches but basically, FEET) and squealed and shrieked with delight. She was SO happy and excited. It was adorable. 

Her extreme acrobatic excitement was also puzzling given that she really doesn't know what a doll house is, having never seen TV or a commercial or an advertisement. So our take away is always get her gifts that photos of the gift on the box - because that photo gives her the instant gratification.

Jamisen and I made butterscotch butterscotch butterscotch cupcakes for Lily's birthday (from scratch, with butterscotch ganache inside). It was over-the-top nuts but oh-so-delicious.

Jamisen was just as excited as Lily to play with her dollhouse from Grandma and Grandpa Faiola - and for the most part, they played amazingly well. I think this is because the doll house very clearly is Lily's and Jamisen knows it. So therefore, the power has shifted just a little bit with it.

Happy birthday Lily! We're so glad you're two and in our family.

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