Friday, March 4, 2011

Babyproofing the House

Putting together the amazing Baby Rocker

We've been having a good time getting ready for Baby Renoud - the amazing rocking chair (thank you Grandma and Grandpa Renoud) is set up in a perfect position in the living room (complete with a dimmer switch to not startle nursing babies). Though, I'm thinking I may need a lamp over the chair for light night reading (errm, I mean, breastfeeding) sessions.

Settling right in...

And it's right by the cozy fireplace!

Installing childproof locks in the bathroom

The childproof locks are already driving us BOTH crazy. Neither of us are admitting this though and are instead waiting for the other one to cry 'Uncle!' and admit that the childproofing locks aren't needed for at least 7 more months.

If we weren't so stubborn, the childproof locks wouldn't have lasted but a day.

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