Thursday, March 31, 2011

His Majesty Mr. Diminutive Bramble Bump

We had our 36 week check up today and the baby is doing great! I'm officially 36 weeks and 5 days today! So, these photos are really me - from tonight. I'm all belly!

All Belly!
They tested me for Strep (in my nether regions - who knew you could catch it there?!) and did a cervix check. We are 1 cm dilated and the Doctor could feel the baby's head. He has dropped!

Getting wider by the day ...

Other interesting things about the visit: I've lost 1 1/2 pounds. The Docs aren't worried about the fluctuation because of the very good growth ultrasound from 9 days ago. Baby is growing like a champ. I probably am just retaining less water than last week. For those of you keeping track at home, I'm up either 25 pounds or 26.5 pounds.

I switch to Heparin (blood thinner similar to the Lovenox I'm on but 2 shots per day) next Wednesday. This is for 2 reasons: (1) shorter life in my body - the Heparin is shorter acting and wears off faster. This especially useful if I go into labor before expected. (2) the Heparin has a reversal agent called Protamine. This reversal agent takes about 2 hours max to work. So, this means that an epidural during labor would be an option (not an option while on Lovenox) as well as a c-section.

I am so thankful to have our aggressively awesome Medical team who consult with the University of Washington perinatology team to keep me and our precious baby boy safe.

1 comment:

Lisa McShane said...

Another great photo! You (both) look so healthy!