Sunday, July 17, 2011

Yay for neck strength!!


Jamisen is so fun right now as he follows along great with books. We all love reading to him, even Grandpa who brought one of his favorite books from when he was a little boy. We are so pleased to see Jamisen's neck strength continuing to strengthen as he gets older.

Jamisen July 2011

Grandma and Grandpa Faiola came up for a visit this weekend and he soooooo enjoyed their visit. Grandpa has a particularly low and resonant voice that really appealed to Jamisen during book reading time. Grandpa, in fact, spent much of his time on the floor with Jamisen - so much time that I propped pillows under his neck and head more than once to keep him comfy. I am already bored of all of Jamisen's books so I can see another trip to the second hand bookstore for us soon.

July 17 2011

Jamisen is doing a lot of talking lately which we all find incredibly appealing and fun. He is just starting to find his louder sounds; up until this weekend, it was a lot of 'a gooo!' and 'goo!' and 'ahhhhh!' It was fantastic having my parents visit because they also did the bulk the cooking and cleaning. It was like taking a vacation in our own home.

And though Jamisen is the most adorable child in the ENTIRE world (no really, I am certain, it is the ENTIRE world), he spits up sooooooo much! We had 16 oufits for him for ONE day. We didn't have to use them all but he spits up at least 4ish times per feeding. It is insanity. But we love him, rotten milk smell and all.

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