Saturday, September 10, 2011

Jamisen is soooooo Brilliant

So, our son is clearly the best, most brightest, most brilliant child in the entire world. He has started turning over! Brilliant, I tell you, brilliant! He started turning over last Friday but he only did it in secret. We would put him down, walk away and do one teensy little thing and poof! We'd hear him squeal, look over and he'd be turned over. I have tried to get this moment on camera all week. He finally performed. Voila! The video of our brilliant, amazing, adorable son turning over.

He has also started doing a very rudimentary crawl. It's rather endearing. See for yourself in the video below:

I think Jamisen weighs around 14.5 pounds based on me getting on my scale with and without him. He's growing! =)