Sunday, March 10, 2013

Fevers, Shoes & Trips

Our little bugaboo got sick last week. He had a fever over 102 for three days. It was so sad to see him suffering. He just wanted to hang out, lay around and be in his Daddy's arms all day long. It was tough on the entire family. He vomited once but I'm not sure if it's because he was sick or if it's because he was crying so hard that he vomited. Little Dude was mad at me for not giving him his way (I think he wanted to play in the water and generally make a mess) so the crying was pretty intense. And then the vomiting happened. 

Of course, because this is the way the universe works, I was scheduled to give a talk on social media at ThinkSpace in Seattle. I knew that between Daddy and loving nanny McKenna that Jamisen would be in good hands but it was still difficult to be away from my little guy while he was sick.
 He got better on the 4th day with no more fever and the skip in his step back. It is so nice to have our little guy back. We missed our happy little tyke. He is back in such a big way that he managed to scare a possible new baby sitter terribly tonight. He was a total terror (screaming inside and running all over the place) while we were trying to interview. So, I gave him a time out and he proceeded to scream through his time out. It was not our finest moment as parents. Time will tell if she was scared off or not.
I am getting fairly large and the only thing that fits now is shoes - so I purchased new shoes this week. I love 'em! And, they fit, even while 7 months pregnant! Untitled

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