Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Preschool Hunting

In addition to house hunting, we're making plans for when Baby Girl joins us. Right now, we're thinking that Jamisen will go to preschool 4 or 5 days per week for 3 hours. The pre-school he's in is lovely but a little structured for his free spirit ways. So, we toured some very creative, very activity-driven preschools that will keep Jamisen moving, active and in a more free flowing environment.
He loved them both (that's him and Jason, one of the teachers, making giant bubbles). He didn't want to leave for his naptime.
One of the preschools had a bean playing area where the kids could sit in beans (dried lentils and black beans) and sort, play and generally have a tactile experience to remember.
We're going to have him start at 'Little Darlings' in November for 2 days per week and keep him in Hillcrest, the more structured school, 2 days per week. When he's old enough (3 years), there are a lot more options that open up (Montessori if we want, Loving Spaces, Waldorf and other school options) and we can re-evaluate again. It's all about finding the best school for Jamisen that fits him and his personality - and that will probably change as he grows (and changes).

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