Sunday, March 24, 2013

No, No, No

Jamisen, our little bugaboo, is hilarious! He really is starting to talk a lot and make his opinions known. This morning for example, he only wanted seaweed for breakfast (alrighty then). This was his rain outfit the other day (because leather does go with everything, even footie jammies).

He loves to eat snacks (goldfish crackers, string cheese, and bread) and is less excited about actually eating real dinner or food with substance.

Chris has figured out that the best way, currently, to get our little bugaboo to eat anything healthy is this:

Chris *pretends* he is cooking something for himself. He sits down at a low area so Jamisen could surreptitiously steal some food, if he wanted to. And lo and behold, like a little thief in the night, Jamisen will run over (okay, more like a loud thief in the night) and loudly declare, "MINE!" and start eating "Daddy's" food.

He has eaten two very generous servings of the incredibly adult flavor profile cauliflower garlic pesto pasta (after Daddy said to me, very loudly, "He won't like it!") in the last 24 hours with this. We have a delicious chard and white bean pot pie for him to devour for dinner tonight so will try to pull this psychological trick later tonight too.

Still obsessed with washers and driers ... and, of course, tractors! He is all boy, despite us not promoting any gender roles at home.
Other favorite activities include play dough (yeah!), feeding the birds on the weekends, throwing rocks, reading, reading and reading.

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