Monday, April 1, 2013

Mission Double Bob, Complete!

When our nanny (the lovely McKenna), texted that she was at the REI Garage sale and there was a double Bob stroller (cue: amazing, glorious, heavenly music) for $150 off, Jamisen and I activated our superpowers quickly. Normally, it takes a good 30 minutes to get out of the house. We pick the shoes Jamisen wants to wear. We pick the hat. We pick the sweatshirt. We get distracted multiple times on the way to the elevator. We cajole. We plead. We finally pick up our little distractable tyke and boom, 29 minutes after we started leaving the house, we finally get to the garage. Which starts another 7 minutes of distraction.
When I heard about the awesome Bob stroller plus Patagonia jacket in Jamisen's size, boom! I woke Jamisen up from his nap, took advantage of his confusion and tirednesss, and stuffed him in the car, and was out the door in 9 minutes flat, complete with fully stocked diaper bag. We spaved (spaved = spending to save) over $200. It was glorious! Double stroller!

We then headed to a delightful park where Jamisen wanted to climb the monkey bars and meh, I didn't say 'No' and perhaps may have helped him. This resulted in some blood but not a lot of tears. Today, I helped him learn how to put the food processor together. That also resulted in some blood but no tears. What can I say? The kid is destined to be an adventurous structural engineer. He loves, loves, loves to try new things, sort and put things together; he has all the makings of an amazing architect, bridge builder or moon colonizer.

Despite being more pregnant than should be legal, I remain extremely competitive with my NikeFuel buddies, barely staying ahead of them. I do a lot of waddling, and prego-lates (pregnant pilates) to get my points and also still lead the dance parties at Bramble Berry every day.

As Baby Girl's arrival draws closer, Jamisen has loved to hear more about his time as a little baby. I "read" his fabric picture book almost daily to him, telling him about when he was a little baby, his behavior, how he didn't have any hair, couldn't hold up his neck, couldn't eat solid food and all the other fun that is baby related. I'm hoping this helps him have some patience and his compassion for Baby Girl Renoud when she arrives in May.


We had a wonderful time with friend Sasha for a great play date. The boys played well together, letting me and Sasha's Mommy, Heather, to make a delicious kale + penne pasta dinner for us all and have some bonding time. It was such a great realization that our boys are old enough to be somewhat self-contained. I predict many more play dates in the future.

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