Saturday, April 27, 2013

Photos from a Move

 We have spent the last week moving into our new family home. It's been considerably harder and more difficult than either of us anticipated.

Jamisen is, of course, taking it all in stride now.

However, the first night was rough. I think it was because Jamisen had to sleep in his Pack'n'Play, which is essentially a plastic covered crib. He was not happy about it. His room was in disarray and his little precious soft face was smashed down against a plastic covered board. It took about 90 minutes to fall asleep, with Chris or I laying on the floor next to him. Of course, I had a Mastermind Business Meeting in the other room so I felt very torn between two places (Jamisen's bedroom floor and the dining room table with my brain trust).
Hosting a business meeting the same day we moved in may have been ill advised but thanks to my husband's patient and ever-understanding help, we got 'er done. In a truly ironic and awesome happenstance, our Mastermind group read the latest Sheryl Sandberg book, 'Lean In,' where she says that in order for any woman to take a leadership position outside the home, she must have an equal inside the home. That truth was never more apparent than the night we moved, when we were trying to juggle professional and family commitments at once.
The house is coming along but man, has it been tough. I think we both underestimated how much work I have done in previous moves and having me extremely pregnant and essentially unable to do a single thing definitely handicapped packing, moving and unpacking.
I am planning on tackling the master bathroom and bedroom tomorrow though. And once that's done, the house will be much closer to complete and ready to be visited - which, is a good thing considering we're hosting a housewarming/baby sprinkle next weekend.
The final piece of the puzzle will be Baby Girl Renoud's clothing situation. She'll be sleeping in our master bedroom for the first 5 months of her life (which is good because her room will be the guest room until the unfinished downstairs basement is remodeled). Untitled 
Thank goodness that my girlfriends Jody and Lisa came by tonight, ostensibly to just grab a quick glass of wine and say 'Hi' but they saw my clear need for help and jumped in, hanging paintings, rearranging furniture and ended up staying 3 hours to help me put the house in order. Chris came in on the tail end, long after many of the holes had been nailed into the wall. I think it looks great! And, I'm so thankful for 'front row' girlfriends that take charge and show up, even when they're not called (but desperately needed).

1 comment:

cambria said...

what a beautiful new home! I especially love the fireplace