Wednesday, January 26, 2011

27 Weeks

Growing, Growing ...

Things are growing in the Renoud Household! But not quite fast enough. I've only put on 1/2 pound in the last 30 days so I've been instructed by my Doc to eat one extra snack per day - which is not a hardship. Because of my Leiden Factor (blood clotting disorder), it's really important to monitor weight gain. It's one indication that our little Bump de Renoud is growing at an appropriate rate. Leiden Factor can make tears in the placenta and micro-clots more prevalent. Either would mean that Baby isn't getting enough nutrients to grow properly. So we want to see me adding just as much weight as the baby does at this point. But it's just a very mild concern, and nothing that the Doctor is worried about (and nothing my Dad is too concerned about either).

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