Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Filling the Closet

Bramble Bump Baby Room
If we had had a girl ... I have SO many girl clothes!
Bramble Bump Baby Room
But, we're slowly getting just as many boy clothes!

Bramble Bump Baby Room
Check out the generous gift from Chris' parents! Woah! Hello super fashion plate Bramble Bump!


Lisa McShane said...

So sweet! Can I come over and refold everything at some point? Just to marvel at how tiny they are!

Anne-Marie said...

Yes! I need to wash all the clothes before the baby comes so I will gladly take help. I'll sweeten the deal with mimosas and delicious cheese .... =)

Unknown said...

You might get the urge to wash and iron them the day before you go into labor (if you are going to have a vaginal delivery). My friends have the wildest stories about what they were possessed to do the night before. Like one friend did all of the baby's laundry 3 times, mopped, and reorganized cupboards until 2am. Then a few hours later, went into labor! I wonder sometimes how much free will we actually have.