Monday, May 28, 2012

Baby on the Beach

We made the most of our Memorial Day. While hiking to Clayton Beach, Chris and I told Jamisen all about Memorial Day (This is a moving narrative about the emotional costs of war). Jamisen listened quietly and seemed to appreciate the gravity of the message. After all the talking, he was delighted to be let down to crawl around the beach. It was his first experience wit the sand and he went for it - crawling all over and generally showing a fiercely independent streak. Untitled (Email subscribers, remember to click through to the blog to watch the videos). This video is the story of my life right now: There is lots of hobbly walking in our home. Guiding Jamisen around is rather fun though; it's pretty entertaining to see where he's going to go next. Jamisen has also mastered the fine art of stair climbing. Thank goodness for the baby gate! Jamisen LOVES his Bear Pillow from Jody Bergsma (thank you for such a sweet baby gift!) Such a sweet baby boy ....

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