Sunday, May 6, 2012

Jamisen Birthday Party

It's hard to believe but Mr. Jamisen is 1 year old. He went from this: Faiola-Renoud (77 of 83) To this:
April 2012
In ONE YEAR! Seriously. How did that happen? He's like an actual little boy-person. Things that Jamisen can do now: pull himself up on chairs and legs to a standing position, 'scoot' around things, point, wave, clap, say: Mamma, Dadda, ba-oon (balloon) and hi and eat good sized solids. He has his own Twitter account for photos. You can follow him @bramblebump. I post photos every few days and my favorite right now are pages 16-20 from when he was teensy, teensy tiny! Everyone told me it would go quickly and it has - it's been like a blink of an eye from when he was just 6 pounds leaving the hospital until now when he is a healthy 22 pounds.
My creation
We make Jamisen his food from scratch and he has had refined sugar less than a handful of times in his life. Grandpa Faiola brought Jamisen his (Grandpa's) favorite, favorite dessert - Hostess Orange Cupcakes. Jamisen was mildly interested but didn't end up eating the entire cupcake. He was significantly more interested in eating the candle than the cupcake. It was heartwarming that he wanted to share his birthday treat with his Daddy. April 2012 Jamisen got a rocking cow from his Dad and I. Grandma and Grandpa Faiola got him a balance-walking bike. April 2012
Uncle Erik enjoyed demonstrating it for his nephew.
April 2012
Jamisen will get another chance to eat refined sugar in the next few weeks (lucky boy!). His other set of grandparents couldn't be with us today (darn that flu!) so we'll have a do-over birthday party! In the photo below are Aunt Cheriss, Uncle Erik and Grandma and Grandpa Faiola (plus the three of us!). April 2012 It doesn't seem possible that it's been a year since Jamisen was born - it has definitely been the fastest year of our lives - and we can't wait to see what the upcoming year holds. Here's to more laughter, love and joy - for everyone! Happy Birthday Jamisen!

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