Sunday, May 6, 2012

Videos of Mr. Happy

Jamisen LOVES balloons. I'm pretty sure his first non parental word (he's mastered 'Mama' and 'Dada') is going to be 'balloon'. Check out his adorable actions with this red balloon. At the ripe age of 1 years old, Jamisen is also getting to be quite talented with the iPhone. He can open it in about 20 seconds flat now. The other day, he got a hold of my driver's license (colorful with a photo on it). He kept turning the license over and trying to push and swipe to turn it on, just like the iPhone. It was endearing and adorable. Jamisen is starting to scoot around incredibly well. He can pull himself up on things and then slowly pull himself from piece of furniture to furniture. He slowly moves from piece to piece. We're starting to go to the park and I know he's going to want to do the 'scoot' trick on the awesome play toys at the park so we've started testing shoes. For the record, either I can't put baby shoes on (entirely possible) or our child's ankles are abnormally large (equally possible). The only shoes that fit him are these Crocs for 2 year olds. Notice how enamored he is with these shows. Jamisen remains a happy, easy going baby who laughs, plays by himself and interacts with people with alacrity and joy.

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