Monday, October 22, 2012

Art Project by Jamisen

I found this fascinating little art project in the pantry room the other day. photo 
 Who could the culprit possibly be? Might the two incriminating foot prints in the baking powder be a clue? I wonder what size they are?
 Jamisen's latest favorite thing is pillows and chairs with pillows. He loves sitting in them and just relaxing back into the softness of the pillows. He is quite a comfort seeker. He still doesn't have pillows or blankets in his crib (when do we add those?? Must look that up.) so it's a novelty for him.
 He is doing a great job with his rocking cow. He can mount and dismount it all by himself now and even does some decent rocking action on it.
 There's a new play place in town called 'Perch 'n' Play.' It's like a giant outside playground ... inside! Perfect for our drear PNW weather. It's $40 for 5 passes so $8 for unlimited daily play. The have generous servings of goldfish crackers for $.85 and chocolate milk. Jamisen tried the chocolate milk and his mind was fully blown. He loved the sweetness!
 I worked all day Saturday, shooting SoapQueen.TV with Jeanee from Dirty Laundry. We taught people how to make bath fizzy cupcakes and Chris and Jamisen stayed very busy in between nap time, Perch 'n' Play and a Halloween Spooktacular at Gabriel's Art School, the preschool that Jamisen might start attending 2 part days per week.
 Another important milestone from this weekend was hitting 90 straight days of working out. It may only be important to me but I love keeping promises to myself. Plus, I need a lot of energy to keep up with Mr. Bundle of Boundless Energy, Jamisen, and working out is like a perpetual motion machine of energy creation.
 Chris and Jamisen also went to Costco this weekend. I personally think it's mildly suicidal to do Costco on the weekend but Chris is a brave warrior. photo
The big news of the weekend was that Jamisen got a new kitchen (!!) just for him. He loves it. And yes, that is seaweed he is eating. =)

1 comment:

Patrice said...

Your hair looks AMAZING in the new soap queen. Love it!