Monday, October 15, 2012

You Know You're Pregnant When ...

This happened with Jamisen too - Ranch Salad dressing and rice. I know! Disgusting!? Doesn't the idea make you want to puke? Oh wait, it's just me that wants to puke? Strange.
Our little blueberry/raspberry has grown to be the size of a kidney bean! Hello little Legume.We can't wait to meet you in May. You're already causing quite a lot of change in Mommy and Daddy's lives as we search for a new house for our growing family. Ideally, we'd like to NOT be moving with a newborn and a toddler.

Overall, I'm feeling decent (except for the bruising from the shots which freaks Jamisen out). I'm working out around an hour a day (rockin' out to Zumba, Jazzercise and a couple strength training sessions per week) but definitely have the first trimester tireds. This weekend, I went to sleep at 7:15 on Saturday and on Sunday, took a 3 hour nap with Jamisen and then fell asleep at 9 p.m. (and would have slept all night had I not woken up with a massive bout of morning sickness around 2 a.m.). Ah yes, the morning sickness. I don't really have much in the morning (go figure) but I do have it at night. Last night, a nice chunk of cheddar cheese settled my stomach. Tonight, I'm carb loading with the delicious rice and salad dressing (WTH? Why in the world would my body be craving that?). I remember with Jamisen, I did start to feel a lot better and could eat normal food in Trimester 2.

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