Sunday, October 14, 2012

Photos from Fall

There were so many great photos from last weekend that I wanted to share all 100+ of them! But here are some more to round out the last two blog posts. What can I say? The kid is photogenic!

Jamisen actually hated the leaves. We got one good photo and that was that! In about 8 seconds, this is actually what happened: October 2012 
Aw, poor little peanut! Not to worry, he was happy within just a few more seconds (easy come, easy go), playing with the rake: October 2012 
Grandma Faiola didn't ever want to take her hands off this little boy. She would have held his hands all day if he had let her (and stayed still long enough!). October 2012 
This is the digital version of 'Moo, Moo, Bah, La La!' (thank you Lisa McShane for introducing us to it) and Jamisen loves it! October 2012
There are sound effects, moving characters and of course, the fascinating and insightful tale of morality, lust and greed .... oh wait; no, it's a tale of barnyard animals and the different sounds they make. It really is that interesting. October 2012 
Any time there's a computer on, Jamisen comes swooping over. He loves electronics and he loves his Grandpa Faiola. I'm sure that doting Grandpa letting Jamisen play with every single button possible also makes Grandpa and his computer particularly appealing. October 2012 
Proud Mama loves her little boy. He is the sun, moon, stars and all of that. But wow oh wow, is he ever high energy! We can't wait to have Daddy back. Two weeks has been tough and Jamisen has missed him every day (as have I). It will be nice to have an extra set of adult hands keeping our little bundle of happiness and light busy.

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