Wednesday, October 24, 2012

We Have a Grape

Baby Renoud Two is a grape! S/he is a grape going on an elephant. I'm showing a tummy like I'm 4 months along right now. Ugh. I had to pull out my post-pregnancy pants last night for a dress-up event. It's only in my belly though. I've only gained 1.5 pounds and we're 10 weeks along so the weight gain is considerably less than with Jamisen at this point in the pregnancy.

 Mr. Jamisen is proving himself to be 18 months going on college, learning to cook in the buff. Our little in-house naked chef loves to eat breakfast at "his" kitchen counter.
 Jamisen's latest fun project involves building toy forts around himself, while sitting in the rocking chair. It's quite a feat and it involves him showing us which toys he would like his 'helpers' to pile around him.
 This is an action shot of him saying "More! More!", in answer to the question of whether he wanted a certain toy with him.
 At some point in this game, there are no more toys left in the living room at all but usually, Jamisen is so fully buried in toys that he doesn't notice (nor could we fit any more toys on there anyways!).

Jamisen does have a bit of a cold right now (he is sooooo stuffed up - poor little guy) but remains in good spirits. We're having a big discussion about whether to put him in Montessori school or just have him go to a part-time "art school" for two half-days per week to augment his nanny time. It's a big decision and changes a lot about our childcare routine.

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