Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Big Boy Bed

Jamisen got a transitional big boy bed. It's not a full size twin; more like a crib that's on the floor without bars. He doesn't really like sleeping in it. He will usually slip in it for naps but prefers the crib. 

Dear Lily, in case you're ever curious, your hospital stay was $24,358. We're thankful to have solid medical care and insurance. =)

Jamisen and Oskar are fast becoming friends. Here, Oskar's Daddy Deron looks on as the boys run on the 'water blob' (two sheets of plastic taped together and filled with water). 

Of course, the aftermath on our lawn wasn't very pleasant. The water inside of the sheets heated up to a degree that it burned the lawn underneath it. Whoops. Thank goodness for understanding husbands, right?

Jamisen is fully riding his tricycle now, like a big boy. He says "Riding bike! Riding bike!" and he is proud of himself and his achievements.

Here, Uncle Erik prepares for having his own two-legged children. He's a great daddy to his four-legged kids and we can't wait to indoctrinate him into the life of two-legged children. No pressure. No pressure. 

Both sets of Grandparents remain extremely supportive. Grandpa and Grandma Faiola have been sanity-saving. Grandma has now spent three weeks of Lily's six weeks up in Bellingham, helping. Grandpa works a full week at work and then comes up on the Friday train. Chris and I feel blessed and Jamisen is over the moon happy when they visit and has requested that I call Grandpa for him multiple times this week. When he sings 'Happy Happy Home', he always starts with 'Grandpa' and moves quickly onto 'Grandma.'

Miss Beautiful Baby Lily comes to work with me every day. She dressed up a couple days ago - probably to make up for the horrific day we had the day before. It was so bad that I had some (lightweight) retail therapy to make up for the disaster that the work day turned out to be. Thank goodness for Chris; he came from his office to hold Lily for 90 minutes so I could review some legal documents that needed my full attention. I've already told Norman that when he gets back from his five week sabbatical that I'll be taking a week off just to sleep.

She does look like quite the little perfect princess when she sleeps. You can't see the temper on her when she's sleeping =)

Chris has taken to calling our little girl 'Bald Eagle' for obvious reasons. I try to comfort her by telling her that bald eagles are majestic, strong and proud but I'm not sure she grasps those concepts yet. 

Here she is being introduced to the water. Notice that she basically looks like she hates us and wishes she was born into another family. We decided to switch to showers and she does okay with those until the end. She seems to get tired of the showers around minute 3 or so but overall, a normal baby reaction.

Here Lily is with Mommy at the lawyer's office with Norman calling in from Europe (see the iPad with the face? That's Norm) and Rusty, our new business partner in a e-commerce web extension shop. I dressed her up in a ladylike dress for the occasion.  Our first work party for Meritage Technologies (new company) is this weekend. The developers are all flying in from all over the United States this weekend. It will be fun juggling everything. 
Overall, Chris and I are still sleep deprived and both still in the throes of transition for our family but remain thankful for our healthy children, our strong family unit, our commitment to each other and our extended family support. We are blessed.

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