Saturday, July 20, 2013

Interview with Jamisen

I want to ask Jamisen  (and Lily when she can speak) these questions periodically. I think it might make a fun long term project. Thus, Jamisen at 27 months old:

What do you want to be when you grow up? "Dentist"

What are you afraid of? "Bugs"

What do you dream about? "Trains"

What is the meaning of life? "I teach you."

I'm trying not to read too much into the last answer but gotta admit, that answer gave me shivers.

This week has been a mix of good days and bad days. The thin dividing line between the two is how many hours Lily sleeps. Shockingly (not), there seems to be a correlation between how easy going Chris and I are with each other and how much sleep we get. Lily must be going through a growth spurt because she's back to eating every 2 hours, including at night. It's been a less than optimal week. Jamisen has had a few time outs, mostly for hitting Mommy or not obeying on the first command.

But, this week saw the return of the amazing Norm, Bramble Berry's COO and with it, my sanity. Finally, I feel like I can exhale. He's been gone over 4 weeks and though, in theory, I can do all his jobs at Bramble Berry (ha! who's kidding whom? there's no way ....), I do them all poorly. I'm out of practice managing the entire company on my own and the cracks were widening into chasms when he walked back into the office on Friday. To commemorate his return, we made him his very own bobblehead. It's been so hot in the office that Lily has been virtually naked every day this week to keep cool.

He has decreed that I can work no more than 10 hours next week and that if he sees me at work before noon on any day, I have to eat a burger.... from McDonalds. YUCK! As a lifelong vegetarian and McDonald's boycotter (have not eaten at McDonalds in over 17 years), that is definitely some decent motivation to stay away.

Thus, I am doing a staycation next week. I'm trying to convince Chris to join me as I garden, clean, and keep moving into our home. It would be lovely to have Lily's room finally unpacked and artwork up on the wall by the end of next week. But, the bigger goal? All the prep work to build Jamisen his own play house (!!) in the upper lawn, by the garden. Chris is grudgingly rolling his eyes at the idea but I think we can do it.

Lily was a big help this week on the SoapQueen.TV set (shot at our house because the set is way too warm). She was a model for the baby massage oil recipe we designed and did amazingly. She also attended many meetings with me this week and was extremely well behaved. I think she likes all the talking and activity. This is the meeting (at law offices, no less) for the official formation of Meritage Technologies, our new company to code a full open source shopping cart system.

I've been cooking up a storm - chocolate chip banana and oat cookies tonight and quinoa pancakes for breakfast to have with the homemade dandelion apple rhubarb syrup my Dad and I made last week. Tomorrow, I'm hoping to make Quark protein yogurt popsicles for Jamisen and harvest enough blackberries to make a coconut water blackberry gelatin. The boy has never had Jell-o and I'm pretty sure I'm about to get my Mom License yanked if I don't introduce him to that special joy and wonder.

Jamisen had his first Dentist visit this week. He screamed and screamed and screamed and screamed. The Dentist declared that the age of the binky was done and just like that, childhood.... over. No more binky for bed. This is the Dentist's office with a full play area!

1 comment:

Nicole said...

What is the meaning of life? "I teach you."

I love this! =)