Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Foraging, Gardening and Kissing

I had a modified work week this last week. I stayed home for at least 5 to 6 hours a day and took care of Lily, and gardened up a storm! Behold, the garden trellis I made for our Sugar Snap Peas. They may not grow up to be 32 and appreciate all the work I did but by golly, my belly will when I harvest them in three months. I also planted broccoli, groomed our kale forest down and planted Basil + Rosemary.

 I also had this insane opportunity to go to The Willows Inn for their "First Harvest Dinner." The inn brings in the top chefs from all over the world, forage and fish and harvest everything they can from the island and then make the most elaborate meal (ever, ever, ever). There were 24 courses! I was so lucky that Chris watched BOTH kids for hours and hours. I couldn't get a sitter so Chris was extremely gracious and kind to let me go experience this once in a lifetime experience. There was a waiting list of 1200 people to get into this dinner - and there were only 38 people that got tickets. Thank goodness that the dew was too wet to allow for hay baling and I was the only one that could come on such late notice to cover the missing rancher's plate.

Jamisen got very bold with Miss Eliza Rose and tried to kiss her. She backed way, way far away. She was not having any of the affection. And speaking of no affection, the deers are feeling very lovey dovey towards us and our yellow squash that we clearly planted for them. They ate EVERY SINGLE ONE of them. Those little (swear swear swear words). They couldn't get to the zucchini, primarily because of my neglect in pruning the big leaves from them. Now the stupid deer are just eating the flowers so there will never be another yellow squash ever. Obviously, I will be building a deer fence. And by "I", I mean, I will hire someone to build a deer fence.

Lily went to a fundraiser this week and got the prime spot in the house - in the Mayor's lap. She is quite the natural at politics already.

Lily continues to attend every meeting and comes to work with me every day. She is getting to be a pro at sleeping through the most heated discussion. 

Lily turned 2 months old and is quite the little personality now. She smiles, laughs and giggles all the time. Notice Daddy off to the right making her laugh?

Lily continues to have a favorite parent - me - and for some reason, Chris can't seem to quiet her. no matter what he does. She'll grow out of that - about the time she starts taking a bottle and not just the breast. Oh, speaking of breasts, Jamisen keeps trying to feed his teddy bear. "Bear is hungry. Bear is hungry." I'm pretty sure this won't be permanently traumatizing for him but it makes me wonder. 

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