Sunday, July 28, 2013

Blueberry Picking

We took Jamisen and Lily Blueberry hunting last weekend.

Funny story; we showed up and the woman behind the counter suggested that Jamisen buy a 'grazing pass' for $5. We (Chris) assured her that Jamisen would only have a handful of blueberries and we did not need to buy a pass. She graciously let us out into the field, without the $5 pass.

Well, she knew better than we did because Jamisen ate and ate and ate and ate. Daddy and Jamisen made the long walk back to the shop and bought the $5 pass so Jamisen could eat to his heart and belly's content.
 Jamisen soon learned that it was much more efficient to just take blueberries from Daddy's bucket than it was to pick his own.

Plus, he seemed to have some difficulty discerning the green blueberries versus the actual ripe ones so it was probably better from a food-poisoning standpoint that he chose from Daddy's bucket.

We bought 4 pounds of blueberries for $12.50. It sure made going to the store to buy a pint for $5 seem like it was super, duper expensive but it was sure fun to go picking and see Jamisen's joy.

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