Monday, July 22, 2013

Jamisen misses Grandpa

Jamisen is turning into quite a reader. He loves reading at bed, he loves reading in the car and he loves reading basically all the time. What's super funny is that he'll be done with the iPad within 15 minutes but he'll never be done with reading. He's his Mother's son.

Jamisen is missing Grandma and Grandpa Faiola. He got used to having Grandma here a lot and with Grandma, comes Grandpa ("Grampa comes on the train! On the TRAIN! ON THE TRAIN!!!!"). He sings himself to sleep at naptime with the song "With Grandmpa in the family, happy happy home." It's adorable to hear him trying to sing his toneless little tune. Thankfully, we have Oskar's birthday coming up this weekend (play date buddy) and that's distracted him well. Click through to see the video of what he wants to share with Oskar:

 Lily really enjoyed this meeting of the Meritage marketing team.

We came up with a name for our shopping cart - sadly, predicated on only what domain names we can get and basically, there is nothing left out there to buy. We ended up with Merchello (merchant + hello) but also have some other names banked, like Coinetta and Merchetta if we need to change for any reason. I could buy USales for the low, low price of $20,000 or "" for the low low price of $99,000. Thus, we are perfectly happy with Merchello.

Here Jamisen is with Nanny McKenna and demonstrating his incredible love for his sister. I'm sure he will appreciate these photos when he's older. He went in for the mouth kiss at least 10 times. It was charming, as opposed to creepy. In 13 years, we will probably have crossed the line into creepy but for now, seriously cute-a-rific.

Lily's neck strength is getting much better. She is still like a little wobble bobblehead but it's in an adorable way and not in a "support her neck or else she will DIE" way.

I was worried that Jamisen had never tried Jell-o (nor will he in our home; there is so much sugar and artificial flavors and colors in that stuff) so I harvested marionberries from our garden and made a marionberry juice for the gelatin base. To get all fancy, I did a layer with coconut water and a layer with the marionberry. All Jamisen's body said when it showed up was "Nom nom! Sugarsugarsugar SUGAR!!!" and was unimpressed with all the work it took to make the berry juice and do a two layered gelatin dessert. Whatever. Me and this blog will know and eventually, when Jamisen is 32, reading this, he will finally understand how much his Mommy loved him and all of the work will be worth it.

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