Saturday, April 28, 2007

Contoy Island Trip

Today was the day long adventure tour to Contoy Island. We took a small little boat with the entire family over to a teensy little island where there is a huge amount of frigates and the most massive baracuda that one ever could hope to see. Or, as my mother in law, Kelly thinks - more of a nightmare - but the most large barracuda that I´ve ever seen. It was an amazing adventure with an hour in a small boat to the island and a very bumpy ride at that. Thankfully, my Dad brought anti nausea pills for the sickies (all the Renoud men get sea sick) so there were not violent upspellings over the side of the boat.

Erik, my brother, saw a shark while snorkeling and we all saw a baby sea turtle while snorkeling. That was definitely a highlight. Oh, and of course, the friendly, biting finger barracuda. I estimate he weighed 75 pounds, my brother said 150 but then again, my brother fishes a lot so he probably automatically doubles the weight of any creature he sees or catches.

Tonight, we´re headed to a family dinner at Villa Rolandi, all ten of us. All of the family togetherness (small boat, small island, dinner tonight) is still a positive charming experience which is a bit shocking to me but I´ll take my blessings where I can.

Hugs and loves to you all. I am already getting antsy to get home and I still have like 10 more days.

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