Thursday, April 26, 2007

The island is a balmy 85 degrees

Chris and I arrived on Isla Mujeres last night by private ferry, thanks to Villa Rolandi, where we will spend our wedding night. We rode over the on the ferry beside the captain, getting splashed with waves in 2 to 3 foot seas. Luckily, intrepid Chris did not get sea sick so all was well.

We started yesterday morning out at a very respectable 6 a.m. and rode our shuttle from the Seattle airport Hilton with a very sleepy, bleary eyed Risk Manager (for a coal company) who had literally 30 minutes to make his flight, or else miss his kids track meet. We hope he made it.

Since Chris splurged with his airline miles, we flew first class and of course, had to take advantage of all the perks. These same perks that we would not have known about had Norman at Bramble Berry not told us about them - suddenly, we felt very entitled to take the short security line and drink mimosas at 7 a.m. (yes you read that right. 7 a.m.). We proceeded to get on the plane, in 1st class, and continued to drink mimosas for a few hours feeling very privileged and full of ourselves. Until of course, we passed out. Or rather, took a nice long nap and woke up on the descent into Cancun. We managed to stay awake for one movie. We´re so cool.

Sigh. We could´ve done that little sleeping trick in Coach!

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